Friday, July 14, 2006


I am still not sure I am totally over this phimosis as of yet. It retracts fine for cleaning and such so I do not believe I am at risk of infection or whatever but there is a still a certain...

Well it is rather hard to describe really, when I am erect my skin beneath and around the sides retracts back fully and sort of almost folds over itself. Towards the top of the head and around the back of the coronal rim though it does go back but does not quite seem to do the same. This seems to be the part of my prepuce with least skin, it is not a major annoyance but it is rather irksome all the same.

With any luck it might go away soon but I can tolerate it for the time being.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm... from my er... "experiences", when it folds over it self, it's because of lack of precum. Try getting more aroused by some other means before you try anything. ^^ When everything is "smooth", slowly pull the foreskin back, maybe it'll fit behind the edge of the head. ;)

I think that particular (small) problem is because of the overhang. :\

1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an utterly fascinating blog. It is wonderful to have the experiences of someone else to compare my attempts at phimosis correction with.

7:33 AM  
Blogger James said...

This is an utterly fascinating blog. It is wonderful to have the experiences of someone else to compare my attempts at phimosis correction with.


How is it going for you?

Hmm... from my er... "experiences", when it folds over it self, it's because of lack of precum. Try getting more aroused by some other means before you try anything. ^^ When everything is "smooth", slowly pull the foreskin back, maybe it'll fit behind the edge of the head. ;)

Oooh, interesting. I seemed to be making some sort of progress on this when I attempted to today, still feels bery tight when I attempt a full, all-around retraction.

Does not seem to inhibit the gliding motion much though.

I think that particular (small) problem is because of the overhang. :\

Hmm, I do have a relatively long one of them...

7:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh, interesting. I seemed to be making some sort of progress on this when I attempted to today, still feels bery tight when I attempt a full, all-around retraction.

Keep at it. Mine's tight also, but I can pull it back pretty much every time I'm aroused. It goes even more smoothly when there's precum. The initial pain I experienced is... unfortunate, but I'd say necessary. :\ I takes a while for the (fore)skin to adjust. Mine doesn't look like a "normal" penis with a fully visible glans (much of it is), but I'm satisfied with my progress.

Like Dr. Dorian from Scrubs said from that quote you put in your earlier post... you gotta masturbate 4-5-6 times a week (once per day, for example) for this thing to start working. :)

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Dorian gives good advice, eh Revamp? ;)

Good to see that you are doing well with your treatment. I am happy for you. :)

8:16 PM  
Blogger James said...

Keep at it. Mine's tight also, but I can pull it back pretty much every time I'm aroused. It goes even more smoothly when there's precum. The initial pain I experienced is... unfortunate, but I'd say necessary. :\ I takes a while for the (fore)skin to adjust. Mine doesn't look like a "normal" penis with a fully visible glans (much of it is), but I'm satisfied with my progress.

Glad to hear that you are making progress!

Like Dr. Dorian from Scrubs said from that quote you put in your earlier post... you gotta masturbate 4-5-6 times a week (once per day, for example) for this thing to start working. :)

LOL, I think I am going a little overboard then...

Dr. Dorian gives good advice, eh Revamp? ;)

LOL, she does indeed Goatish one.

Good to see that you are doing well with your treatment. I am happy for you. :)

Thanks! Happy to have you back...

3:33 AM  

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