Friday, May 26, 2006

The Beauge Method got mentioned on Scrubs!

Alright, so not directly or by name but the basic principle was used during a diagnosis:

Kim: So, Josh, you are suffering from a condition called phimosis. It's basically a hardening of your foreskin. As part of your treatment, I'm going to ask that you masturbate... 5 times a week.
JD's narration: Help the poor kid out...
JD: Wow 5 times a week, huh? For me that would be cutting back!
JD's narration: He said in front of his future girlfriend.
JD:You know what? I should probably mosey. (edit)

Hah! Brilliant, I am happy to see that we got a mention in a show so mainstream and hilarious. I love Scrubs a lot, I like it more since I noticed the pro-intact messages they use sometimes and this only make me more fond of it. Hopefully some watching will have realised they could try masturbation instead of amputation.

Oh and apparently JD is intact, he fell of a horse and a friend checked if he could still retract. Good to know.

PS- This just in from Reuters: "Today Mel Gibson announced a sequel to his previous effort is to be released during the Summer of 2007. Little is known of this new film, which is currently in production, besides the fact that the plot is based around the myth of the Holy Prepuce, the title: The Docking of the Christ and the somewhat unusual casting of Ron Jeremy as Jesus."


Blogger Queery said...

hay, here is a list of uncut celebs

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, i'm interested in your blog. are you sure the white things on your foreskin is the condition BXO (can search in wiki) and do you know if you do require circumcsion that if you can get only partial forskin cut off and not all of it?

4:22 AM  
Blogger James said...

Thanks Queery! That list was damn fine, I never knew Julian Casablanca was intact! For some reason that news comes as something of a relief...

hey, i'm interested in your blog. are you sure the white things on your foreskin is the condition BXO (can search in wiki) and do you know if you do require circumcsion that if you can get only partial forskin cut off and not all of it?

Hello there, I have heard of BXO before but I do not seem to have it: the lumps are not hard, painful or surrounding the urethral opening but instead run around the edge of the glans in the ridge that divides it from the rest of the shaft.

In addition no photographs I have seen of the issue even seem to vaguely resemble the state of my own penis whereas pictures of pearly white papules I have seen bear a great resemblence. Accordingly I doubt very much that I suffer from the former instead of the latter.

I was aware of the possibility of a partial circumcision but frankly I would be greatly displeased if -any- of my foreskin were to be removed. In addition even removing the tip (as I originally thought circumcision entailed) would remove the frenar band which is both a dense cluster of nerves and what holds the foreskin in place around the head. Without it I can imagine things getting fairly loose.

In addition only the most extreme cases of BXO even require a circumcision, most can be cured via conservative methods.

Thanks for your questions though and, if I may ask, are you suffering from something similar? Or is there some other reason for my blog interesting you?

6:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up, been reading your site for the past week or so.

I actually have been working on my foreskin for a while now (a year) but never really made a consistent effort as I could never enjoy masturbating much with phimosis. In fact, apart from wet dreams I had never ejaculated.

However, recently I came upon an ad for a device called the "Fleshlight" which is basically a vagina imitator. This thing is pretty amazing and allowed me to actually enjoy masturbating enough to ejaculate for the first time consciously. Now I spend close to 20-30 minutes extra in the shower masturbating whereas before I was only doing it for 2 minutes. This of course greatly increased the foreskin retractibility.

I know some of you may be uncomfortable with a sex toy as I was the last person I thought would get one. However, I think of it more as a medical tool. =)

I had the pleasure of seeing my full penis head exposed just last week. And like someone else mentioned, boy is it sensitive. Once it was out, I could no longer use the fleshlight so that kinda ruined my day as I could not finish lol. I know you mentioned baths could help with desensitizing it a bit so I'll try that out later.

Anyways I'm just happy that this ordeal is almost over and just wanted anyone else suffering to give the fleshlight a try if you're having some problems enjoying masturbation. Some people on their forums even said it was better than the real thing but of course I wouldn't know that yet. =)

2:28 AM  
Blogger James said...

Hey there anonymous!

Great to hear that things are working so well for you, the head is bound to be immnesely sensitive thanks to lack of exposure. You may be keen to rid yourself of this but have you perhaps tried the standard masturbation instead of using the fleshlight?

It could work, anyway I had heard of the toy you talked about and it looks interesting. Might look into getting one if I could manage it discreetly enough...

Thanks for sharing your experience and I am so glad things turned out fine for you!

4:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think i've got a very MILD case of BXO. it looks like pimples on the tips of my foreskin, but don't "pop". i've been to the doctor about it, but he just prescibes me with cream..but nothing seems to work. he said i might have to get some surgery..but i don't want it all that's why i ask if only a little bit of it can be taken off. i do have phimosis, but mild so i'm using the beauge method as well, and it works so yer...the BXO doesn't bother me, but it's just the aesthtics thing and i heard there are worse problems as it progresses?

this is the first time i've talken about it..thanks

1:09 AM  
Blogger Queery said...

Talking helps, every time you share you recieve more info, whether for other people or your objective view of your own thaughts. You also don't feel so alone any more. So TALK IS GOOD!

5:19 AM  
Blogger James said...

i think i've got a very MILD case of BXO. it looks like pimples on the tips of my foreskin, but don't "pop".

Just curious here: how large are they? Just roughly speaking...

i've been to the doctor about it, but he just prescibes me with cream..but nothing seems to work. he said i might have to get some surgery..but i don't want it all that's why i ask if only a little bit of it can be taken off.

My advice would be to stick with the creams. How long have you been using them? Sometimes these things take a while to cure...

As for surgery well a partial is a sort of tricky thing, basically as far as I can tell it seems to be a case of removing to behind the glans or nothing. Not sure though...

Perhaps ask him about alternatives? There really is a lot worth saving around that area...

i do have phimosis, but mild so i'm using the beauge method as well, and it works so yer...

Glad to hear it!

the BXO doesn't bother me, but it's just the aesthtics thing and i heard there are worse problems as it progresses?

Well it depends if you have a progressive form of BXO or not really. If it seems to be showing signs of growth then you might experience further problems, perhaps with retracting and urinating. If it is staying static then things should be alright apart from the looks.

And really if you are considering something to make your penis looking nicer a circumcision is not it...

this is the first time i've talken about it..thanks

You're welcome!

I suppose it is confession time... Since you mentioned this I have actually noticed a couple of tiny pin-prick pimples coating my glans that could be BXO. They do not seem to be growing at all but I might get them checked out.

Wow...Queery was right. It does feel good to talk!

5:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the pimply things aren't on my glans..they are just on the tip of my foreskin..on the cream now for about a month??

the largest thing is around 1mm, maybe less.

5:44 AM  
Blogger James said...

Hmm, well if they are on your foreskin then that definetely sounds like BXO.

Maybe just stick with the cream a little longer and if it continues not to work then ask him for another sort.

3:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question 1: Upon rolling the foreskin over the entire glans do you notice a discoloration upon erection, like it turning reddish purple? Is it supposed to do that? It doesn't hurt in anyway and I'm assuming it is due to the blood rushing and flowing through the penis due to erection.

Question 2: How far should the foreskin pull down to? I got it to the base around the glans and it looks like it can't go any further due to the fact that it looks connected to the glans as one piece. However, pictures of fully pulled back foreskin on the web make it look like you can pull it maybe 1/3 inch down the shaft.

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a slight problem. I'm uncircumcised and I have a strange problem with my foreskin. When I was young I had kinda of tight foreskin, but after I started masturbating, it seems better. But still I have difficulties getting the foreskin forward to cover my glans because my glans dries out while I masturbate so I have to pull real hard to cover my glans or to use some spit...It looks like my foreskin rolls in... Is this normal?

9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need foreskin doesnt go back all the way and i know its that p thing lol any suggestions?

1:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello fellow liberators of the glans. I just stumbled upon this blog after reading about Beauge and his methods, and I'm glad to have found out that I'm not the only one suffering from this condition, and that I'm not crazy for thinking that masturbating for several hours a day is helping.

I also had phimosis(BXO I think) but its almost completely gone after A LOT of masturbation.

I started doing exercises on my own with out anyone telling me how or what to do just my own gut feeling. I found it hard at first to ejaculate with my glans retracted, but after a while I managed to change my masturbation patterns.

Now I continue doing my own exercises for aesthetic and practical reasons. Also I have discovered that the more I fight against this beast the more powerful and large my penis becomes.

After a year of exercising, I can say that I am actually happy for having had phimosis, because it led me down a path where I discovered wonderful and MAGICAL things about myself.

I am very happy for never being circumcised. My father took me to a physician when I was 5 but he advised against circumcision, since my phimosis wasn't that severe anyway. God bless him.

I put the whole incident behind me and pushed the phimosis in the back of my subbcontious for several years until finally, after leading an unhappy teenage sex life, at the age of 19 I decided to do something about it.

May you all succeed in your endeavors, and lead happy sex lives.

DO NOT FOR ANY REASON AMPUTATE YOUR PENIS WITH CIRCUMCISION. There is nothing that can't be fixed with a strong will and a desire to be free.

P.S.: Its so fun using formal language to talk about the Penis. LOL

7:14 AM  
Anonymous Pearly Penile Papules said...

Unlike women, men do not readily discuss personal medical conditions and disorders with their friends. It is for this reason that pearly penile papules are very misunderstood.

It is not surprising that you would be plagued by worry and paranoia at the appearance of a bump on the rim of your penis. Immediately you would suspect venereal disease or even worse, cancer. The likelihood is that you do not have either, but rather a simple case of pearly penile papules. Pearly penile papules
are very common among men, especially uncircumcised men. They are not as a result of bad hygiene and are not contagious in any way whatsoever. Many men actually find that they appear and disappear without any treatment at all.

However, if you are feeling uncomfortable with them, they can be effectively removed with a simple treatment of radiofrequency surgery. You should however consult your doctor and have them seen to should they emit a discharge or are physically painful.

3:19 AM  
Blogger Joshua E. Bourne said...

So what tend to be ones most commonly tried pearly penile papules treatment usually are simply just how effective are generally they?

9:48 PM  

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