I received an email of great interest to me this morning, I had all but lost hope of obtaining a response from CircList but they excelled my expectations with this:
The website is a combination of postings from CIRCLIST members. Thus I will not remove the passage, but rather add your own to that section with your permission. Nonetheless, we do not recommend stretching but rather full, tight circumcision as the best remedy for a tight (or any) foreskin.
I found this highly satisfactory, although they did not agree to remove the offending piece of misinformation they agreed to actually place a piece of my writing upon their actual website.
Note please that I still found the (or any) a most displeasing and illuminating: it seems that if they sore a phimosis afflicted penis their first thought would not be along the lines of "Hmm, that looks far too tight" but something closer to "Ugh! Foreskin, how unsightly!"
It certainly gave me a glimpse into the mind-set.
Regardless (or, to be more precise, solely due to) my quarrels with their stance on this issue I found the prospect of my words dedicated to showing circumcision as superfluous in this instance being place upon their website rather pleasing, although the whole occurance seems slightly like a Stormfront member being asked to moderate the MoveOn.org Forums...
I suspected that they might add some commentary detracting from my words or some other form of degregation but as my aim is only to inform and they seemed reasonable enough in the email I dispatched the following message:
"I would be more than happy to provide you permission to place my words with regards to this issue on your site, all right of copy is extended to you.
Personally though I do not consider circumcision as a true "Remedy" in all but the most drastic of cases as the foreskin is not really an ailment.
Though I suppose that there is little that I can do to change your minds with regards to this issue, although I do find this a pity.
As you may have been able to tell from the last two lines I had decided that David, as he mans the emails for one of the most pro-circ websites in existance, was probably beyond my powers of persuasion.
I have had easier targets to focus on: I contacted two fellows providing their email addresses and asking questions with regards to this issue. The first was on some form of bulletin board which rarely received much attention and requested some information over an unretractable foreskin. From his testimony I deduced that he was most probably suffering from frenulum breve. Although he initially expressed a desire for a complete circumcision once I made mention of the relatively unradical frenuplastory operation and gave a link to an article on the matter (that can be found here ) he expressed doubts and informed me he would seek a doctor whose primary agenda did not appear to be the removal of his prepuce.
In addition I read a post on a Comments section in a website which posted a link to a rather unpleasant device named the SmartKlamp requesting to know whether the intact or circumcised penis provided more pleasure and, again, providing an email address.
Utilising it I informed him that I had evaded circumcision so could not make a before-and-after style analysis but the very reason for this avoidance was the pleasure the prepuce provided me with.
He thanked me but I am still uncertain over why he required my input, who for and what his decision was. Perhaps I shall recieve further correspondence, if so you will be notified.
In addition I am now a member of a motherhood forum where (despite feeling somewhat out of place) I have made various posts on this issue and others and am attempting to convince some mothers-to-be to spare their sons circumcision, albeit with limited success at present.
So, with all this intactivism you might well ask how well my own foreskin is bearing up. As my CircList email stated I am now capable of retracting while erect, in addition since the time of writing that I am not able to obtain the "Gliding Motion" with a reasonable amount of ease.
There is still quite a bit of tightness though, especially when it is furled for extended periods or/and without the assistance of warmth. The skin is sure to stretch however and I certainly do not find it much of a hinderence to obtaining pleasure.
I have observed that reaching a climax while the foreskin is around the head or retracted are two varying experiences. During the latter there is of course the joy of spurting and I seem to experience a little more force, the former is certainly more messy but oddly pleasureful in its own way although it tends to leave the lingering longing to urinate once concluded.
I shall investigate into this one further...
The website is a combination of postings from CIRCLIST members. Thus I will not remove the passage, but rather add your own to that section with your permission. Nonetheless, we do not recommend stretching but rather full, tight circumcision as the best remedy for a tight (or any) foreskin.
I found this highly satisfactory, although they did not agree to remove the offending piece of misinformation they agreed to actually place a piece of my writing upon their actual website.
Note please that I still found the (or any) a most displeasing and illuminating: it seems that if they sore a phimosis afflicted penis their first thought would not be along the lines of "Hmm, that looks far too tight" but something closer to "Ugh! Foreskin, how unsightly!"
It certainly gave me a glimpse into the mind-set.
Regardless (or, to be more precise, solely due to) my quarrels with their stance on this issue I found the prospect of my words dedicated to showing circumcision as superfluous in this instance being place upon their website rather pleasing, although the whole occurance seems slightly like a Stormfront member being asked to moderate the MoveOn.org Forums...
I suspected that they might add some commentary detracting from my words or some other form of degregation but as my aim is only to inform and they seemed reasonable enough in the email I dispatched the following message:
"I would be more than happy to provide you permission to place my words with regards to this issue on your site, all right of copy is extended to you.
Personally though I do not consider circumcision as a true "Remedy" in all but the most drastic of cases as the foreskin is not really an ailment.
Though I suppose that there is little that I can do to change your minds with regards to this issue, although I do find this a pity.
As you may have been able to tell from the last two lines I had decided that David, as he mans the emails for one of the most pro-circ websites in existance, was probably beyond my powers of persuasion.
I have had easier targets to focus on: I contacted two fellows providing their email addresses and asking questions with regards to this issue. The first was on some form of bulletin board which rarely received much attention and requested some information over an unretractable foreskin. From his testimony I deduced that he was most probably suffering from frenulum breve. Although he initially expressed a desire for a complete circumcision once I made mention of the relatively unradical frenuplastory operation and gave a link to an article on the matter (that can be found here ) he expressed doubts and informed me he would seek a doctor whose primary agenda did not appear to be the removal of his prepuce.
In addition I read a post on a Comments section in a website which posted a link to a rather unpleasant device named the SmartKlamp requesting to know whether the intact or circumcised penis provided more pleasure and, again, providing an email address.
Utilising it I informed him that I had evaded circumcision so could not make a before-and-after style analysis but the very reason for this avoidance was the pleasure the prepuce provided me with.
He thanked me but I am still uncertain over why he required my input, who for and what his decision was. Perhaps I shall recieve further correspondence, if so you will be notified.
In addition I am now a member of a motherhood forum where (despite feeling somewhat out of place) I have made various posts on this issue and others and am attempting to convince some mothers-to-be to spare their sons circumcision, albeit with limited success at present.
So, with all this intactivism you might well ask how well my own foreskin is bearing up. As my CircList email stated I am now capable of retracting while erect, in addition since the time of writing that I am not able to obtain the "Gliding Motion" with a reasonable amount of ease.
There is still quite a bit of tightness though, especially when it is furled for extended periods or/and without the assistance of warmth. The skin is sure to stretch however and I certainly do not find it much of a hinderence to obtaining pleasure.
I have observed that reaching a climax while the foreskin is around the head or retracted are two varying experiences. During the latter there is of course the joy of spurting and I seem to experience a little more force, the former is certainly more messy but oddly pleasureful in its own way although it tends to leave the lingering longing to urinate once concluded.
I shall investigate into this one further...
Yay! Updatery!
Interesting that they would put your email on the site.
As for you, progress seems to be happening. I wish you luck in your investigations. ;)
There is still quite a bit of tightness though, especially when it is furled for extended periods or/and without the assistance of warmth. The skin is sure to stretch however and I certainly do not find it much of a hinderence to obtaining pleasure.
You're on the right track. ;) Give it a couple of weeks and it won't be a problem anymore to retract it.
I have the same problem as you, saldy. I am trying to cure by stretching, I am going to talk to my family doctor if it doesn't correct for some reason. Frankly I want to see if stretching myself works, just so that awkward conversations can be avoided. Does anyone know if it is genetic/hereditary?
Yay! Updatery!
Interesting that they would put your email on the site.
As for you, progress seems to be happening. I wish you luck in your investigations. ;)
Thank you Goat!
It really was quite interested, I still slightly suspect some form of tricky, probably some snide sub-commentary or such. I hope to be proven wrong.
You're on the right track. ;) Give it a couple of weeks and it won't be a problem anymore to retract it.
Right now I am hoping for an easy and complete retraction while cold and erect and hopefully I will obtain that soon enough.
I have the same problem as you, saldy. I am trying to cure by stretching, I am going to talk to my family doctor if it doesn't correct for some reason. Frankly I want to see if stretching myself works, just so that awkward conversations can be avoided. Does anyone know if it is genetic/hereditary?
Hello there!
Sorry to say that I can not provide any information on whether you inhereted it, I am pretty well-read on this issue but by no means an expert. From my own experience though I would say I strongly suspect it has something to do either with my parents or my preemiehood: my father had a badly located urethral opening, located somewhere along his underside in a most unsightly fashion according to my mother and on her side there is a history of undescended testicles, a condition that I suffered in infancy.
In addition I was born around 2-4 weeks before schedule, maybe even earlier. This could, perhaps, of caused it or maybe it was both or neither.
As for what you can do just give stretching a go for around a month and if you get no results then see your doctor for certain. Make certain not to accept a full circumcision as the only cure though: enquire fully into steroid creams and prepuplastory and if they are denied then demand them.
Your foreskin is worth the fight.
Yay! Happy foreskin progress. I made quick progress to exposed head soft, and have been steadfastly following an adjusted self-pleasure routine, aiming for progress in peeling further down the (seemingly endless at times) head while hard.
I freak out a bit when pulled back soft inevitably starts going hard due to the pressure no doubt. The tightness makes me fear one of those hospital-inducing horror stories, so I press on the head through the foreskin, think unsexy thoughts, and quickly slide the skin back over.
I find moisture to be an issue, even with lube. It's like the foreskin sticks to the head, and instead of sliding, it rolls back over, tucking under in the process. And the enusuing unsticking is uncomfortable to slightly painful.
So it was kinda going not too far, until yesterday. Whoo-hoo! Good shower stuff. First time I was able to work the skin down hard, and I was even able to slide it up and down a bit. Still a tight, sticky sort of slide, but the water from the shower helped--and the heat no doubt. At one point I had the skin down fully hard and wasn't scared tight for the first time. I tried to jack from that place, but the head was waaaaay to sensitive to screw with (so to speak.) And I just couldn't find something that felt good and safely comfortable. But even peeled about halfway down the head, I get a great money shot and the feeling of massaging the head through the foreskin. Maybe it's just because that's been my whole life experience of cock enjoyment, or maybe it's that I haven't found another technique yet. But that's the news from this side of the pond. And I was psyched to find the days of gradual stretching did show marked progress.
That is great news!
I am really glad that you are making such great progress. My pleasure producing technique does not involve direct head stimulation either, I just sort of rub it along from a grip on the shaft and that feel more than nice enough.
I know what you mean about the whole rolling and sticking thing, I encountered that a little as well and it can be pretty irritating. Of late though it first got far more rare and then stopped altogether, so have hope.
The head really is quite big and when I first started it seemed like it might take a year if not longer, however I found that if you work around along the tips of the underside where the glans sort of curves you can work the rest of the skin down with a great amount of ease, eventually it should just sort of slip around a lot more skin at a far greater speed that you might have anticipated.
Hope that that was of some help!
Good to hear that you are getting somewhere.
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
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