Interesting site, I have made a comment but its creator has set it to moderated and has not updated the site lately.
The incidence rates he listed were of most interest to me, it seems that studies have shown this to be a far more common condition than I had suspected, which was rather reassuring.
Overall I am more concerned about these with regards to any future sexual partners, I can now just about get my foreskin around the head while nearly fully-erect and my guess is that this problem will be cleared up by the time I actually find someone to lose my virginity with.
The papules however are there to stay. I suppose I will just have to get used to them, they do have a slightly majestic quality to them somehow and they are rather fascinating things to examine. I suppose I must only hope that the person I find will be shallow enough to look past them, although the prospect of a partner unaroused by my genitals is an unpleasant one.
I suppose I must be thankful that they were not something more severe or even amongst the worst cases of such a condition. They are, overall, benign and pose me no danger. For this, at least, I must be thankful.
Interesting site, I have made a comment but its creator has set it to moderated and has not updated the site lately.
The incidence rates he listed were of most interest to me, it seems that studies have shown this to be a far more common condition than I had suspected, which was rather reassuring.
Overall I am more concerned about these with regards to any future sexual partners, I can now just about get my foreskin around the head while nearly fully-erect and my guess is that this problem will be cleared up by the time I actually find someone to lose my virginity with.
The papules however are there to stay. I suppose I will just have to get used to them, they do have a slightly majestic quality to them somehow and they are rather fascinating things to examine. I suppose I must only hope that the person I find will be shallow enough to look past them, although the prospect of a partner unaroused by my genitals is an unpleasant one.
I suppose I must be thankful that they were not something more severe or even amongst the worst cases of such a condition. They are, overall, benign and pose me no danger. For this, at least, I must be thankful.
You DO learn something new every day... go figure. :)
It would seem that I have also acquired the damned things (after a quick self-exam). But they are so small and there aren't a lot of 'em, unlike on some pictures I saw (like this one => I always thought it was just smega. :S Luckly, they aren't that visible and I hope they stay that way. :)
Wow, so I am left with a fellow sufferer once again.
That link was a very severe case indeed, mine were nothing like that bad.
I thought that they were weird droplets of smegma at first it soon became apparent that they were not going to wash away.
Oddly enough though they do seem to respond to a sort of rubbing maybe that is just smegma accumulating around them (eww) getting rubbed off though, to be honest I am not all that sure.
Mine are not as prominent as in some cases (I've seen ones as bad as that online before) but they are pretty hard to miss unless I have chosen someone highly unobservant to bed which I hopefully will not.
I suppose that I just have to hope they do not mind and still find the organ arousing...
That certainly was an interesting pic.
And in regards to the lube, it's not as expensive as you would imagine. I actually use a veterinary hand lubricant that comes in bigass tubs. It's powdered and you mix it with water. The great part is the viscosity varies depending on how much water you add.
That certainly was an interesting pic.
Indeed. Mine does not quite look so much like a finger and they are slightly more of an opaque, milky colour as well as being a good deal less numerous.
And in regards to the lube, it's not as expensive as you would imagine. I actually use a veterinary hand lubricant that comes in bigass tubs. It's powdered and you mix it with water. The great part is the viscosity varies depending on how much water you add.
Wait wait wait, I'm glad it's cheap but you have to do that every time you want to wank?
I am a lot more impulsive than that...Maybe the Victorians were right on this one after all.
Or is there some quick way of preparing it and you just keep it within arm's reach at all times?
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
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