Tightness is decreasing nicely, with warmth I can normally peel back even while erect without to much difficulty.
The strange thing that happened yesterday was folding myself right back why flaccid. Normally my skin is sort of furled up around the head, heavily crinkled and obviously more than a little bunched up.
So I decided to see what would happen if I gently pulled it all down along the shaft as far as it could get. It was a little delicate but fairly easy to tug the skin right down and along and it gave me quite a view. It made me realise for the first time just how much skin there is, normally it is tight and compact but when loose and spread it really does take up a lot of space. It looked different to the rest of the shaft and added on an extra layer in addition to leaving my head well and truly exposed. It was quite a bizarre sight, all in all, the senstation was just as strange: feeling my cock double coated along the middle and totally bare at the top felt oddly brilliant and utterly novel.
Soon enough though I had to terminate my viewing as the process got me fully erect and so I was forced to alleviate this. The intense pleasure of rubbing along the bottom of and just underneath the frenulum is immense, even the lightest tickle yields explosive results and just how much enjoyment came from stimulating it suprised me deeply. It seems to go on and off though, some times it will not be doing anything for me but on the days that it does it always makes me melt.
The strange thing that happened yesterday was folding myself right back why flaccid. Normally my skin is sort of furled up around the head, heavily crinkled and obviously more than a little bunched up.
So I decided to see what would happen if I gently pulled it all down along the shaft as far as it could get. It was a little delicate but fairly easy to tug the skin right down and along and it gave me quite a view. It made me realise for the first time just how much skin there is, normally it is tight and compact but when loose and spread it really does take up a lot of space. It looked different to the rest of the shaft and added on an extra layer in addition to leaving my head well and truly exposed. It was quite a bizarre sight, all in all, the senstation was just as strange: feeling my cock double coated along the middle and totally bare at the top felt oddly brilliant and utterly novel.
Soon enough though I had to terminate my viewing as the process got me fully erect and so I was forced to alleviate this. The intense pleasure of rubbing along the bottom of and just underneath the frenulum is immense, even the lightest tickle yields explosive results and just how much enjoyment came from stimulating it suprised me deeply. It seems to go on and off though, some times it will not be doing anything for me but on the days that it does it always makes me melt.
Seems like the penis is an endless source of amusement to you intact types. :P
I don't know whether to laugh or get depressed. ;)
I'm so glad that you found a method to treat your phimosis that doesn't involve circumcision. Also, thank you kindly for your comment on my own little blog. The small tyke starring in the moment-by-moment account I posted is intact as well. I wish you luck on your motherhood list getting more moms to change their minds about leaving their sons intact. I don't feel very hopeful though, honestly, because I was completely unable to get very many to consider it and I was an RN in NICU.
Best wishes,
The intense pleasure of rubbing along the bottom of and just underneath the frenulum is immense, even the lightest tickle yields explosive results and just how much enjoyment came from stimulating it suprised me deeply.
Hmm... funny, my expriences are somewhat... boring... when I do that. :S Oh well... we do have different bodies after all. :)
Seems like the penis is an endless source of amusement to you intact types. :P
I don't know whether to laugh or get depressed. ;)
More amazement than amusement in this case. I suppose that it is just one of those infamous "Journeys of self-discovery" that people tend to go on. It is just that I have more to discover than you do...
And a woman probably has more than both of us put together.
So if viewed pretentiously we are both in the same boat, have no fear!
I'm so glad that you found a method to treat your phimosis that doesn't involve circumcision. Also, thank you kindly for your comment on my own little blog.
Thanks Giselle! And you are more than welcome...
The small tyke starring in the moment-by-moment account I posted is intact as well. I wish you luck on your motherhood list getting more moms to change their minds about leaving their sons intact. I don't feel very hopeful though, honestly, because I was completely unable to get very many to consider it and I was an RN in NICU.
Good to hear that your child was spared circumcision, less good to hear about your lack of success in deterring it though. Sorry about that, I have identified a fence-sitter or two who I hope to pull over to our side but I am really still not that sure...
But really, if you even got a handful then that is something: most probably their grandchildren and children's granchildren will also end up intact and these sort of things tend to have a nice accumulative snow-ball style effect. Or at least I hope that they will.
Oh and BTW, it seems like a mild coincidence that you are posting here. I only found you from a link on Dan Savage's site (who, btw, is also anti-circ, just about, and who I mentioned on my blog) and posted before I even knew your child's gender, let alone circumcision state.
Its nice how these things sort of work out...
Hmm... funny, my expriences are somewhat... boring... when I do that. :S Oh well... we do have different bodies after all. :)
A whole new meaning has just been brought to the phrase "Different strokes for different folks"...
I am really amazed at how quickly some dilligent masturbating can pay off. I'm really making progress with sliding more easily out of the "locked" around the exposed head position. Still not exactly effortless, but waaaay better in just a few days since I first rolled down hard for the first time. Granted, I'm spending more time in my room than usual....
Also testing the waters in trying to get anywhere near the exposed head without jumping a mile in the air. Making progress here too, though I'm having trouble imagining it ever being as "manipulatable" as a cut one. Anyone have experience with this extreme sensitivity calming down at all? I'd like to take the new boy for a spin, but the thought of someone giving it a tug up top is a bit scary frankly. And penetration? Without getting any more graphic than this has already gotten, I don't know how long it's going to take before head-exposed penetration is going to sound like fun.
On the frenulum bit...I was reading somewhere about stimulation of the shaft generally being necessary to invoke ejaculation, though the head actually commands the most intense stimulation. The same article said that the frenulum attachment "side" of the penis is where most of the jolly comes from. Could part of the whole shaft trigger thing be the pulling on the frenulum, whether direct stimulation is a wow or no? I found it really sensitive, but not a particular turn-on. The whole wild-world-of-penis-exploration gig is a trip though.
I'm really psyched, but also a little stunned that it took so long to a) realize there was a problem, b) realize this was a fix-able problem, c) work on fixing it. In the grand scheme of things, it's on the way to being fixable ridiculously quickly and easily. And I too was worried about maybe a short frenulum also being a problem and ultimately going to require a snip anyway. In fact, I'd guess anyone uncut and tight who read about this stuff casually would think their frenulum was a problem since the geometry of how that bit of skin manages to stay intact when the skin rolls down is beyond my spatial imaging capabilities. I was sure it would never happen.
And I can't believe how similar cut and uncut look when the foreskin's retracted. God, I actually had a boyfriend who couldn't get over the whole uncut look of things. And now I find they're actually pretty darn similar when things are working more normatively. Ah, live and learn.
I am really amazed at how quickly some dilligent masturbating can pay off. I'm really making progress with sliding more easily out of the "locked" around the exposed head position. Still not exactly effortless, but waaaay better in just a few days since I first rolled down hard for the first time. Granted, I'm spending more time in my room than usual....
I noticed that too...I consider it worthwhie though. And it really does get sorted quickly doesen't it?
Also testing the waters in trying to get anywhere near the exposed head without jumping a mile in the air. Making progress here too, though I'm having trouble imagining it ever being as "manipulatable" as a cut one. Anyone have experience with this extreme sensitivity calming down at all? I'd like to take the new boy for a spin, but the thought of someone giving it a tug up top is a bit scary frankly. And penetration? Without getting any more graphic than this has already gotten, I don't know how long it's going to take before head-exposed penetration is going to sound like fun.
Personally I am not all that sure you need to play directly with the head, I just roll along it. The pleasure of rubbing the skin all the way along the glans is more than enough really. And you probably would not want it as easy to manipulate as a cut one because that would mean you would receive less pleasure from it.
I was pretty sensitive towards the start but I found that the more you expose it the less sensitive it becomes, baths can help a lot for this.
As for penetration well...Graphicness ahoy...
Basically once you get loose enough there should be something of a gliding motion that occurs during sex, basically you are only exposed on the in-thrust and are wrapped back around when you slide out. Since the vagina (or other orifice of your choice) is probably a little less firm than your finger it will probably not cause much pain once you have made it a little less sensitive and in addition on your way out you get the skin tugged up around the glans and rubbed along, which should be nice. So all in all you get it better than the cut guys, basically.
Sorry goat. :P
On the frenulum bit...I was reading somewhere about stimulation of the shaft generally being necessary to invoke ejaculation, though the head actually commands the most intense stimulation. The same article said that the frenulum attachment "side" of the penis is where most of the jolly comes from. Could part of the whole shaft trigger thing be the pulling on the frenulum, whether direct stimulation is a wow or no? I found it really sensitive, but not a particular turn-on. The whole wild-world-of-penis-exploration gig is a trip though.
The underside does seem to yield most results, either around the sides or directly along down the middle is great. The frenulum does seem to have quite a lot of sway over the rest of the foreskin, I've noticed that even shifting it slightly brings the rest of the skin following after, you could certainly be right about that one.
There are days when I do not enjoy it all that much either but sometimes it just drives me wild. I am not sure why it varies so much. And yes, going on a voyage of self-discovery was something I had planned on doing, just maybe not in this fashion...
I'm really psyched, but also a little stunned that it took so long to a) realize there was a problem, b) realize this was a fix-able problem, c) work on fixing it.
Me too!
I know exactly how you feel over this one...
In the grand scheme of things, it's on the way to being fixable ridiculously quickly and easily. And I too was worried about maybe a short frenulum also being a problem and ultimately going to require a snip anyway. In fact, I'd guess anyone uncut and tight who read about this stuff casually would think their frenulum was a problem since the geometry of how that bit of skin manages to stay intact when the skin rolls down is beyond my spatial imaging capabilities. I was sure it would never happen.
It really is an immensely simple solution, not to mention pretty fun. The frenulum is really quite an amazing organ, that is for sure. I am still quite astounded how low that it can get, it is clearly a highly elastic band and also a great source of pleasure. And it would certainly be an easy mistake to make if you did not know this...
And I can't believe how similar cut and uncut look when the foreskin's retracted. God, I actually had a boyfriend who couldn't get over the whole uncut look of things. And now I find they're actually pretty darn similar when things are working more normatively. Ah, live and learn.
The difference really is pretty much non-existant besides some furled skin around the bottom that you pull down if you don't like anyway and that I personally think that it looks quite nice.
Glad to hear of your learning curve, perhaps if you ever get that far with him again you could show him your progress? ;)
If he was still having troubles coming to terms with if you could just let him dock and see what it felt like firsthand. :P
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
your blog is really getting spamed! swich on the word verification, it helps. :)
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