Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I think that we can all agree that that is quite enough grandstanding from me: it's time for some fun!

All you intacts can play along unless you have not quite got far enough down the head yet then I suppose that these will give you something to aspire to beyond a chance to wash away the accumulated smegma.

So gather around me children, and to you all I will recite Revamp's Repugnant Revelations...

RRR The First: first find a toilet, now a one which is domestic rather than public is immensely preferable in this case but if you are going to go for one of the former for some reason then please opt for a cubicle to avoid getting gawped at.

Now stand over the toilet and roll yourself right the way back so that you can see the patch of exposed skin around the glans and right to the boundary between the foreskin and the rest of the penis (contrary to popular belief, btw, that organ is not a flap or fold or any other form of extension, it is its own seperate area with a clearly defined barrier between it and the rest of the shaft) until you get the sensation of pulling on it slightly.

Then release.

I found the process of urination seemed a good deal easier and I got a far faster and stronger flow although I made quite a bit more mess (this might be lack of practice though). The sensation of the urine spraying out as my whole head was revealed and tugged against by the skin is very satisfying indeed and whereas I barely ever stood to piss prior to discovering this method I rarely take any other position now.

RRR The Second: Frenulum Fun.

This one is just as simple if not more so: simply get your penis which can be either flaccid or slightly erect and peel down the head, preferably when your foreskin has been recently heated. Then stroke along and around the area of your frenulum, massaging around the general space but not touching the prominent connective tissue.

After as much of that as you want simply deliver a tiny tickle to the centre of your frenulum. For me at least this resulted in an instantly rock hard cock and a very enjoyable relief indeed.

Disclaimer: These have only worked from my experience, they might not for you. Please do let me know!


Blogger James said...

That does not really belong on this blog Superlong as the issue at the core of this is not size but the tightness of the foreskin and my attempts to cure myself of this ailment via the Beaugé Method while informing and advising people about the issue.

12:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um... I think the guy/girl/bot is just spamming. :D

1:19 PM  
Blogger James said...

One must be couteous at all times, even to spam-bots...

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nay, spam-bots must be killed!

And I'd just like to say that you friggin' (literally) intact types are enjoying this way too much. :P
Everybody have fun. ;)

4:56 PM  
Blogger James said...

Nay, spam-bots must be killed!

At no point did I rule out brutal slaughter. I just said that it required politeness...

And I'd just like to say that you friggin' (literally) intact types are enjoying this way too much. :P

LOL, sorry for rubbing it in and along yet further...

Really though the pissing is basically just similar to how you do it everytime but with a little more tension around the head. So you are not missing out on anything really!

Except of course the frenulum which you will never get back ever...

Hmm, am I doing well at this whole comforting thing? :P

Well, anyway, we deserve some fun from our foreskins considering all the time and effort we have been forced to put into fixing them up into a useable state. If you regrow yours you can do exactly the same I guess...

Everybody have fun. ;)

Thanks! You too! Lube up copiously! ;)

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd just like to say that I wish everybody here the best of luck with whatever their foreskin related problem might be. ;)

And I look forward to reading and commenting on more of your wacky penis-related adventures Revamp. :)

7:55 PM  
Blogger James said...

I'd just like to say that I wish everybody here the best of luck with whatever their foreskin related problem might be. ;)

And good luck with the docking...Perhaps if you enjoy the experience enough you might try getting a port of your own. :P

Thank you very much Goat.

And I look forward to reading and commenting on more of your wacky penis-related adventures Revamp. :)

I am sorely tempted to change my headline to "Revamp's Wacky Penis-Related Adventures"...

Anyway, glad that you are still tuned in! I am sort of flattered really.

7:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like I said, how could I resist? ;)

And the docking experience shall be interesting, I'm sure. :P

5:59 AM  
Blogger James said...

Like I said, how could I resist? ;)

I am so glad that you find the finer details of my anatomy so fascinating...

And the docking experience shall be interesting, I'm sure. :P

The first time I saw a photo of it in progress I thought that it might be some weird mutation or the worse form of Siamese Twin ever to exist...

It certainly does seem interesting and I shall be intrigued to hear how it goes.

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Naughty naughty, young Revamp, you've been neglecting your blog. ;)

You have no excuses! :P

3:52 PM  
Blogger James said...

I have indeed!

I will update later today, an email I was sent inspired an urge to post but right at the moment I must get to school.

11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I just found your blog, and I can truly say that I find it absolutely delightful and a wonderful read! As a circumcised man restoring his foreskin, allow me to say that, despite all the bad connotations, I'm actually rather jealous of you for being able to have [And cure, thank heavens!] your phimosis.

Cheerio! ^__^

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it would be good to have some general link to a simple how-to. or is the how-to just trying to strech a little further each day ? im kinda uncleat about this. anyway, i just dicovered this had a name, and since i have it for 28 years and without any problem, even with sex partners (i do not complain about the amount ;-) i never really searched for a 'cure'. but this method seemd unharmful and im willing to give it a try, so any good links? (i found the french article ok, but a little too vague about what to actually do and how often..)

12:14 PM  
Blogger James said...

Wow. I just found your blog, and I can truly say that I find it absolutely delightful and a wonderful read! As a circumcised man restoring his foreskin, allow me to say that, despite all the bad connotations, I'm actually rather jealous of you for being able to have [And cure, thank heavens!] your phimosis.

Hello there feffeli, I am really glad that you enjoyed reading my blog!

I think that accepting you had something so horrible done to you as a child is a very brave thing to do. I hear that methods of remedying such an occurance are often gradual and awkard at best so I really hope that yours goes well and does not take to long.

Sorry if the blog inspired some jealousy, but it might (perhaps?) relieve you to know that very occasionally circumcised men do get phimosis. It is one of the far less common complications though, rather unsightly when it does occur though I must say. How exactly? Well I am not quite sure but it looks a mess...

All the same, of all emotions I had not imagined my condition would evoke envy.

Good luck with your reconstruction!

it would be good to have some general link to a simple how-to. or is the how-to just trying to strech a little further each day ? im kinda uncleat about this. anyway, i just dicovered this had a name, and since i have it for 28 years and without any problem, even with sex partners (i do not complain about the amount ;-) i never really searched for a 'cure'. but this method seemd unharmful and im willing to give it a try, so any good links? (i found the french article ok, but a little too vague about what to actually do and how often..)

Hello there, the process really is quite simple considering the alternatives, it is far more enjoyable than them too!

Basically you just take a warm bath to gain maximum elasticity from your foreskin and then utilise the basic "Pump" technique to masturbate, making sure to pull the skin down as far back as it can get across the head each time before rolling it back up and repeating with each roll.

I also sometimes held onto the skin and prised it down as far as it could get without hurting, this might have eased up the skin more but I am not sure. It does allow you to expose more of your head though, which can be interesting. So basically you wank yourself to wellness, I would suggest doing it on a fairly regular basis but this can be fairly easily self-enforced. ;)

If this is already what you have been doing then there is a slight variation that is performed while flaccid that you can find out about here: http://www.norm-uk.org/

And if that does not work a fairly simple solution can be found in the form of a steroid cream you should ask your doctor about. But if you are perfectly content then that should be alright, just as long as you can still clean yourself well enough to avoid any infections.

4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the kind quick and helpful answers. i will try it, though i am a little anxious that my head is very sensitive since it has not been regularly exposed.

1:43 AM  
Blogger James said...

thanks for the kind quick and helpful answers. i will try it, though i am a little anxious that my head is very sensitive since it has not been regularly exposed.

You're welcome!

Do not worry too much about the glans, I found this was immensely sensitive the first time I exposed it but as long as you do not touch it directly then you should be already and soon enough that pain should fade.

Mine currently does not hurt if touched lightly and I rarely attempt any more forceful contact than that. It should be fine.

9:46 AM  

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