Wednesday, November 01, 2006

An excellent article distributed by a charity has some good words on pg.35 of this online article:

(You will require an Adobe PDF Reader to view it)


  1. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Terrible news. Apparently, there's been some new research done showing that circumcision reduces STD's by around 30-40%. This is a terrible blow to us anti-circumcision lobbyists.

    Why can't people just wear a bloody condom? Or better yet, stop sleeping with those slappers from the local pub!

    I wonder who did the research... no doubt it was funded by some extreme pro-circumcision group.

    "If you love your child - circumcise him! He'll only lose 60-90% of the feeling that he would otherwise experience!"

  2. "Terrible news. Apparently, there's been some new research done showing that circumcision reduces STD's by around 30-40%. This is a terrible blow to us anti-circumcision lobbyists.

    Why can't people just wear a bloody condom? Or better yet, stop sleeping with those slappers from the local pub!

    I wonder who did the research... no doubt it was funded by some extreme pro-circumcision group.

    "If you love your child - circumcise him! He'll only lose 60-90% of the feeling that he would otherwise experience!""

    That happens a lot, this is no real new blow I am afraid. None of those studies are anywhere near accurate.

    I suspect the overall impact will be minimal and the rate shall continue to decline.
